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About This Site

This site was created by Tom and Diana Briggs.

Diana wrote the content and found the images.
(Email Diana.)

Tom did the programming, web design, and other technical stuff.
(Email Tom.)

Technical Details

This site was written with Python 3 and the Django framework. It uses PostgreSQL for the DB layer.

The Javascript is mostly vanilla, with some help from JQuery and JQueryUI for the AJAX functions and the accordion components. We also used the Hover Box library for mouseover effects. The CSS is hand-written.

The maps are courtesy of the LeafletJS library, the OpenStreetMap project, and the Stamen tile library, hosted by Stadia Maps.

The site is hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS). We used Elastic Beanstalk for deployment, EC2 for the web server, RDS for our Postgres server, and Route 53 for DNS.