Mathematics as we know it would be unrecognizable without the contributions of medieval Central Asian scholars. First and foremost, the widespread use of the Arabic numeral system would revolutionize calculation around the world. It would also permit the development of arithmetic, algebra and trigonometry as discrete fields. Algebra would itself transform virtually every other subfield within mathematics, making possible many of subsequent advancements in physics and engineering. Some of the most recognizable concepts and vocabulary in mathematics can be traced back to the work of Central Asian mathematicians.
Image: Some geometrical shapes from Suhayl al-Quhî's book 'Fî istihraci mesaha al-muhassama al-maqafî or Risala-i abu Sahl'.
Source: Suleymaniya Library, Ayasofya 4832.
Source: Suleymaniya Library, Ayasofya 4832.